2013年10月1日 星期二

批判互動設計作業01/B9910114/ 李紫瑋

By reason of the project in art and design is offered a form of the research towards the integration of aesthetic experience and everyday life through the development of conceptual product.
Since the 1950s,  research work carried out in colleges of art and design stands a very real risk of losing those qualities of originality.

Dunne's research concentrates his attention on the way in which electronic objects and the realms of poetry and aesthetics are connected and affect each other. The work uses the design course allows the enlargement of urgent responses and a tending to doubt sensibility towards the ideological character of design with the purpose of encouraging an activity to begin original aesthetic possibilities.

The process of invention as a form, a poetic invention that, by expanding intended to conventions, if physical, social or political, performs a greatest function, the theory of 'parafunctionality'. Design steps and the relationship between culture and society instead of a highly skilled technician by the minutiae of industrial production or a slick but intellectually shallow.

By 'making strange' or 'poeticising' the distance' between ourselves and our environment, make it easier for the ability to notice something using your senses with the electronic object rather than its passive use.

