2021年5月18日 星期二

week 13. Hertzian Tales (chap6)

 1. electronics. Objects not only “dematerialize”

into software in response to miniaturization and replacement by

services, but literally dematerialize into radiation. All electronic products are

hybrids of radiation and matter.

2. The extrasensory parts of the electromagnetic

spectrum form more and more of our artifactual environment, yet 

designers direct little attention toward the possible sensual and poetic experience

of this industrially produced new materiality

3. "The extrasensory nature of electromagnetic radiation often leads to its treatment

as something conceptual—which easily becomes confused with the notional,

although of course it is physical and exists in space."



5. ..."this “architecture suspended in an invisible matrix of air

and charge” is a form of science fiction. Its grand speculations and escapist logic

cannot match the gently provocative poetry of Lee and Dawes."


6. Kurgan uses the GPS to map a space somewhere among the physical, digital,

and conceptual. She stands in a gallery stationary for ten minutes recording

311 position records, plots the results on a map of the gallery and its surroundings

and compares them with a more accurate computer corrected version.


7. Different time periods could be

arranged as different channels into which the participant could tune.


8. A different kind of narrative space is explored by Scanner, who uses a wideband

radio scanner to tune into cellular telephone conversations, combining

them on CDs to create ambient and often poignant sound images of the psychological

and social poetry of everyday radio space.

9. “Whistler hunters,” natural radio enthusiasts who search out radio transmissions

created by atmospheric events, map the interface between atmospheric

and electromagnetic climates.

10. But it is doubtful that such artificial events capture the poetry of

the whistler hunters’ activities.


11.More successful if less romantic celebrations of the electroclimate of artificial

radio have been achieved through radios used as performing instruments by

other composers. This began with Cage’s “Imaginary Landscape No. 4 for 12”


12. He uses the microwave field of a

radar sensor to create “an aura, or an extension of my skin into spaces, into which

people can walk,” which causes a 24-volt pulsed DC current to deliver a variable

charge of up to three milliamps to two electrodes attached above the jaw and

two to the “hunch” muscles in the shoulders. He is developing a digital system

that will support a wider range of inputs and outputs—for example, different

responses for people retreating and approaching, and head turns and nods.


13. when objects dream


Final Project:

deadline 6/16

Themes: Re-designing Everyday Objects with Criticality

Forms: Diegetic prototypes, Markups, Fictional Design, Old things modification, ... as well as sketching & proposal

Documents: 1. introduction 2. critical review 3. project details 4. critical reflection 5. discussion, 6. conclusion. (total 800 words in English or 1200 字中文) upload to Google cloud

Presentation: pptx or slides on Google meet, 

