非人因 - 赫茲故事第二章

clock by Daniel Weil
(In)human Factors
"This enslavement is not, strictly speaking, to machines, nor to the people who build and own them, but to the conceptual models, values, and systems of thought the machines embody." p.21
"By poeticizing the distance between people and electronic objects, sensitive skepticism might be encourage, rather than unthinking assimilation of the values and conceptual models embedded in electronic objects." p. 22

tv by Marco Zanuso
"This chapter looks at "poeticizing" the distance between people and electronic objects through "estrangement" and alienation," locating interactivity between transparency and opaqueness, the pet and the alien, prose and poetry." p. 22
Robinson 認為 Norman 的取徑產生了沒有混淆、不會令人失望的產品 (這很明顯是不夠的)。...... 吊詭的是,以使用者為中心,不只是要釐清人們如何描繪事物,而是絕對需要認清: 人們所互動的設計物,對我們如何思考,有巨大的影響。"
"Robinson argues that Norman's approach results in products that will not confuse or disappoint (which is clearly not enough). ... Paradoxically, user-centredness is not just figuring out how people map things, it absolutely requires recognising that the artefacts people interact with have enormous impact on how we think." p. 23
"In the human factors world, objects, it seems, must be understood rather than interpreted. ... The reduction of the relationship between people and technology to a level of cognitive clarity by the human factors community..." p. 23
日常語言通常是資訊性的與工具性的; 如果資訊被成功的傳遞,或是行動被成功的挑起,這些字詞可以被視為
"Everyday language is usually informative and instrumental;...since if a piece of information has been successfully passed or some action successfully instigated, the words by which this has been managed can count as "transparent." With the poetic function comes a certain opacity, for the writer is no longer passing information nor seeking to instigate action. There may also come an intentional ambiguity." p. 35
"The poetic function of language has as its effect that when we read literature we become
more aware of language than we are when we are confronted by language in its other
functions. To introduce another term dear to the formalists, in literature language is
“foregrounded. ... In the everyday use of language it will seldom be practical and may even be found impolite to “foreground” language.”"
根據 Viktor Shlkovsky,詩意藝術的功能,是對抗感知的慣例模式所支持的熟悉化。
"According to Viktor Shklovsky,..., the function of poetic art is to counter-act the familiarization encouraged by routine modes of perception." p. 35

fan heater by Winfried Scheuer
"To provide conditions where users can be provoked to reflect on their everyday experience of electronic objects, it is necessary to go beyond forms of estrangement grounded in the visual and instead explore the aesthetics of us grounded in functionality..." p. 42

radio by Daniel Weil
"The fit between ideas and things, particularly where an abstract idea dominates practicality, allows design to be a form of discourse, resulting in poetic inventions that, by challenging lows (physical, social, or political) rather than affirming them, take on a critical function." p. 42
"Instead, the distance between ourselves and the environment of electronic objects might be "poeticized" to encourage skeptical sensitivity to values and ideas this environment embodies." p. 42