Life is time. We felt the meaning of life
with time goes by. Mechanical efficiency tenfold from
people's lives gradually compress the existence of time when the industrial revolution. It is
more efficiency than ever by information revolution, for now. Fast
technology around our life was take away time. People became slaves of efficiency.
We become fast to live, fast to eat, fast to grow up, fast to do, fast to old,
and fast to die. It is a live without life. It shortens the distance birth to
death by fast technology.
Photobox and little printer are both creating a memory
reflection through the cloud storage on internet like “Flick” by random.
Rules and
efficiency like driving on a highway in everyday life. High-speed monotonous activity almost forgot the time exist until it meets a flower of
memories unexpected. These amplify
the presence of meaning of past itself
by making strange between ourselves and awareness for now and felt a poetic time reverse flow in brain.
It bring back time to environment when slow technology appearing. No matter how
long it will stand-along and provide aesthetics of functionality. We open a
room for reflection and got moments of reflection
and mental rest in the short inefficiencies.
Photobox and little printer are simplicity
in material like a wooden chest or plastic box normal in life even not surprised
in the function of print. But these shows a complexity of form like a way we cannot
expect when
will meet the flower even though we will. This waiting should drive people to
check calendar every day to think that “when will print”.
It is “aesthetics of use” with reflection.