2013年10月8日 星期二

批判互動設計作業02 / D10010301 / 莊偉銘

The Flower Lamp is a design for everyday practice regarding energy. Through changing its shape externally, its form expresses the materialization of aesthetic and physical critique. In order to show different dynamics of beauty, people who lived with it seem to appropriate their behavior of using.

As Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby argue that design needs to build up a stance of its own, otherwise, at the worst, the design profession is viewed as an agent of capitalism. This design might force a hermeneutic understanding of its difficult form and arouse the reflection upon energy consumption of domestic digital products. In this project, the designer’s intention is to unfold an awareness of how energy is used in our daily life.

Seeing the energy consumption as a design material, the designer explores new lighting technology of meaningful presence through constructing a household lamp and making the energy visible in the life world. I argue that this design itself is not a physical form used to light up only, but rather a conceptual product to open up a new kind of proposition about the future realities.

Reference : Flower Lamp

