2013年10月8日 星期二

批判互動設計作業02 / B9910102 / 邱顯雅

Erratic Appliances

Based on "object as discourse" and "design as research", the object is purposely designed for giving direct feedback on the high quantity of energy being used at that exact moment.

The purpose is to stop people from unconsciously using too much energy in the same time, suggesting that a change in behavior is needed.

The Erratic Radio, an intervention of an intellectual basis for problem-finding, may "untune" when there are too many objects in the room consuming energy, visualizing the consumption by it's strange and unexpected response.

Erratic appliances is not only for improving design as problem-solving, but also creating a space for designers to reflect ideas, theories, logics, and implications of design in and through practice. The object itself becomes a physical critique that it is a conceptual modeling involving a critique of existing approaches to production/consumption communicated through highly considered artifacts.

It's a kind of slow tech to enhance the awareness of presence. Objects that behave erratically can reach a point where they cease working as they are supposed to. The critiques, on the other hand, imply that contemporary technology brings not only convenience, but also apathetic feelings of consuming energy.

