2013年10月8日 星期二

批判互動設計作業02 / M10210305 / 徐笙洋

In order to bustle for work, we forgot the corner of the window shade.  The shade is woven from a combination of textile, solar-collection and light-emitting materials.

As a kind of “solar-collection” inquire into what design is about - how the collection of solar woven in the window shade. Tracing time of lighting value as an aesthetic presence. We discuss that the window shade assimilate sunlight all the day and it can be drawn to extent people choose to collect light-emitting materials and, during the evening, the collected energy is expressed as a glowing pattern on the inside of the shade.

In the morning, we usually forgot to enjoy the sunlight when we go for work. In this example, people make directand tangible choices over how much energy to save and spend, and their choices are experienced as an aesthetic presence in their home that reflects the natural cycle of daily light.

This project reflects the time of sunlight. This involved rethinking how to relate both to ‘aesthetic presence’,posed from the poetic distance and the aesthetic of energy can be embodied. 

