2013年10月23日 星期三

批判互動設計作業03 / E10210005 / 胡菁菁

As many kinds of technology are increasingly woven into the fabric of our life, we become more and more busy because of the conveniences and efficiency that technology brings to us. And it leads a problem that we have no time to make deep contemplation and reflection about ourselves. Concerning this situation, Hallnäs and Redström raised slow technology aimed at reflection and moments of mental rest rather than efficiency in performance. The photobox is a good example of slow technology.

Photobox is to use simplicity in material in combination with complexity of form. It tries to provoke people to re-think about some memories in the past by a simply way, printing randomly selected photos from user’s Flickr. Because of uncertainty in time and photo, this slowness of appearance can give people a short break to think about the things that they left behind or bring them some special feeling. It amplifies the presence of old memories. We can find that Photobox doesn’t focus on more efficient system of science and technology, but on having emotional resonance through simply material.

Different from photobox, Little Printer (by Burgcloud) uses an opposite form from photobox, quick and efficiency. It prints information that you want immediately by connecting the Internet. Little Printer represents a form of design that focus on conveniences and efficiency.

I think we couldn’t say what kind of design philosophy is better exactly, because they aim at different purpose. Both of them give us a direction for reflection of further design, and lead us to consider about different kinds of design forms and design philosophy.

