2014年1月12日 星期日

批判互動設計作業06 / m10210302 林浩翔

“InTouch” allows interaction web within human relationships to be embodied through the metaphor of temperature. 4 squares respectively represent 4 different relations, may be friends, family members, or beloved one...etc. While pressing it, temperature responds, transmitting a kind of non-definite, abstract information.

From 1st paradigm’s point of view, the interaction that InTouch provides can not be precisely measured, the process of its use is not tend to dissect and(or) hack things; InTouch does not identify any specific problems, and isn’t a complete solution. Its non-task-oriented design may confuse researchers: “What is this do for? Why will I put such a thing without any clear function in my house?” As it using soft fabric for the pressing interface, from the 1st paradigm’s aspect, the action of pressing is not accurate, without any definite trigger point, and its expression is obscure, not to mention that the perception of temperature differs from person to person. As a result, InTouch is a design artifact with unidentified purpose under the 1st paradigm.

The purpose of InTouch is to embody interaction within human relationships through the device installed in a living space. I believe its universal-applicability fits in the 2nd paradigm. But the purpose of the interacting process doesn’t lie in optimizing human-computer interaction, and its uncertainty can not be evaluated as well. For researchers can not optimize for particular design goal or reduce the scope of it, InTouch can not be generalize into a widespread design wireframe or research method. So from the 2nd paradigm’s point of view, InTouch does not fulfill its research goal.

The 3rd paradigm focus on phenomenological interpretation. Under this paradigm, the ability of a machine is no longer a target for researcher. Rather, the goal is to grapple with the full complexity around the system. Therefore, optimization and efficiency is not the point, it is how a interaction device itself assists users to construct meanings, how users complete phenomenological interpretations through InTouch. 

Researchers of the 3rd paradigm construct meaning through thick description, and through this process to have a profound understanding of the lived world. So, the interaction of InTouch, for the 3rd paradigm, possesses a huge research space.

