2014年1月12日 星期日

批判互動設計作業03 / m10210302 林浩翔

  Nowadays, technology become more rapid and efficient base on internet explosion, that includ huge interflow of information, and it is woven into the fabric of everyday life. At 2001, Hallnäs and Redström present the “slow technology” which remind us should focus on
mental rest and moment of reflection, that is mean the efficiency and capacity should be out of focus. how we researcher/designer can provide a further reflection on it.

  base on this point of view, photobox provide a rethink of photo,  as a symbol of memory, technology allow we can take photos on a simple way, that make us have thousand of photos store in our harddrive and web service - but seldom recall it. If photos not to be seem again, them it no meaning.

  By randomly pick up the flickr photo & print it out, photobox make serendipity from digital memories, but keep its form and funtion in a simpleway, so we will expect the artifact without too much cognizance loading.

  "little printer” use thermal printer to transform fragmentary information become concrete
form, it not have main purpose or tasks have to done. Just a way to reflect a piece of everyday life, through this way, it try to establish new view point of people’s daily consumption.

  both of them use simplicity construction and materials, but keep a distance to fulfill the meaning by user, it is not aim to take away time, but seeking for the moment of reflection.

