2014年1月9日 星期四

批判互動設計作業06 / B9934007 / 張文韋

        The major waves of HCI can be characterized as two paradigms. One is the first paradigm, focusing on the fitness between human with machines and aiming the function and reducing error. The other is the second paradigm. The second paradigm is base on the information processing phenomena in user’s mind and on the interface of devices. In that view, the reactions of human are expectable and measurable. Unlike those two paradigms, the third paradigm, proposed by Steve Harrison, focuses on the embodiment interaction in the view of phenomenology and underlines the importance of meaning making. After the overview of the paradigms of HCI, we can take ''InTouch’’ as a case to study in those three different paradigms.

        InTouch is a social device focusing on the interaction between friends. Unlike the communication devices or the social websites as we know, InTouch offers a tactile inter surface to build the communication of people. User can touch this device to express their consideration to their friends. With the consideration as touch, the light of the surface will turn into red from blue and the temperature of the surface will also become higher. 

        In the view of first paradigm, the function of InTouch in communication is not complete enough comparing with the communication devices now. On the other side, with unfamiliar outlook, InTouch can’t give a definite hint of ''how to use'' to the user.

        On the other side, the second paradigm focus on the quality of interaction. The output of reaction is the change of color and temperature which are both hard to quantify and recognize. What is more, the user can’t give clear and complex information to each other.

        However, in the view of third paradigm, meaning making is the essence of interaction. Although InTouch doesn’t has a familiar form and quantifiable information displaying, there are lots of elements sparking the thought and imagination of the user. Unlike words and symbol which deliver information immediately and definitely, the change of color and temperature create a communication with time and poetry. 

        I think those three paradigms are not contradict to each other all the time. As the issue of social interaction, although we hope that we can figure out all of the meaning in this complex system and handle each action of the people you care, there is no way to confine everything in the reality. Those three paradigms help us to consider in different view and practice with different method in the same time.

