2013年9月26日 星期四

批判設計作業壹/M10110302/ 林秉毅

The beginnings of the project info says “One day In the future, robots will do everything for us” But those robots are not just functional , smart , machines. They are cohabitants which have their own behavior and quality. So how will we interact with them? And What new relation to different levels of robot intelligence and capability?  That’s this project of question.

In our generation, you use machine do lots of thing. In the future there’s a radical change that machine will be replaced by robot. In other word, robot evolved from machine. Robot has its own specific character which is independent , nervous, smart …etc. We will not say “this robot  is not  useful”  but say “this robot ‘s character  unsuitable for someone”  So we start thinking what the relationship between us.

Robot is a strange product  for people . Use character poeticising distance between machine and robot. These think is critical. Different human suitable for different job. It does not just depend on body. For example “the man has big mouth so I think he must be a singer”. So does machine.  machine is function-oriented so it can do only one thing. If it is character-oriented, there are lots of change.

